Todd Bonzalez

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • OnlyFans is just one step below prostitution. They will vanish overnight when sex work is legal.

    This is absolutely not true, and is absolutely dripping with sexism.

    Settling for OnlyFans is ridiculous when there are literal TBs of porn out there.

    People aren’t paying for porn. They’re paying for parasocial relationships.

  • Todd BonzaleztoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBuild Your Community on Nostr
    2 days ago

    That should be available on mastodon such that you can donate to your fav people/orgs

    This Already exists. You can stick the URL to your Patreon / Ko-Fi / LiberaPay / Venmo / Cashapp / PayPal / Zelle / OnlyFans / WeChat / etc. into your Bio. There’s even a convenient grid of listing lots of URLs or other info.

    Don’t make the mistake of wanting an “everything app”. Integrating DeFi into Mastodon itself would be a catastrophe. Let people use the financial tools they already have, instead of trying to create some new banking system built on social media.

  • Todd BonzaleztoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBuild Your Community on Nostr
    2 days ago

    This post links to Soapbox, which is run by Alex Gleason, the Neo-Nazi who runs Poast, Baest, Spinster, and even helped run Truth Social. We’re already in fashy shadow-fediverse territory here.

    Nostr is literally a social network made by and for Bitcoiners. Its defining feature is being “censorship proof”. Scams, Nazis, and CSAM are pretty much everywhere.

    Nostr is basically decentralized 4chan with worse users.

  • Todd BonzaleztoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBuild Your Community on Nostr
    2 days ago

    Look, pitching Web3 on Lemmy is already a stupid idea, linking to a site run by Alex Gleason, the Neo-Nazi that wants to turn the Fediverse into a fascist playground, is even stupider.

    Fuck every part of this post. Fuck Nostr, Fuck Crypto, Fuck Soapbox, Fuck Alex Gleason, Fuck Truth Social, Fuck Neo Nazis, and Fuck every other social cancer involved.

  • I have some bad news for you.

    An AR-15 is really only good for wartime scenarios (and mass-murder). If your goal is self defense, you have chosen a terrible gun that limits your mobility and cannot protect you at close range. A handgun is vastly superior for the purpose of self-defense.

    Not that your choice of gun matters here. The choice to have a gun at all actually increases your risk of being victim of a violent crime, and that’s just the odds for you. Having a gun in your house at all greatly increases the risk that you or someone in your home will die accidentally, or by suicide. Those odds are greater than those of any violent lunatic breaking into your home and murdering anyone in it.

    If you want a gun because you expect to be at war with tyrants, more power to you. If your goal is to minimize the risk of harm to you and your family, unless you have some actual enemies you expect to have to deal with, you are better of without a gun in your home, or at least not one that is easy to access.