It’s too small for a rim and tyre.
It’s too small for a rim and tyre.
I wish I was a morning person.
Going to bed full of beans but waking up tired and sore sucks. Spend half the day just getting back to normal feeling.
1Password is the only one I found that I can share with the family, syncs changes practically instantly, and actually detects login fields on every platform I use it on (Android, Windows, Linux).
I love that you’re saying monopolies are terrible, while crowing about how successful Epic is and how they licence their game engine to half the industry (presumably making them the largest share, given the remaining 50% is shared among every other alternative).
Seems like this Steam monopoly isn’t having the negative affect you’re suggesting.
I’m agnostic to all storefronts and platforms, I just hate exclusivity contracts.
No wonder they don’t sell it anywhere else - wouldn’t meet local safety requirements.
I liked a recent BYD Shark teardown video by some American mob… Their biggest complaint was that it was “overbuilt” lol
Fire up them tariffs lads, protectionism is the only thing ensuring sales.
I mean it’s not really… Once bitten, twice shy. After 20 years of being bitten I’m pretty much amaxophobic towards the brand.
They’ve sucked for the last 20 years, why would the next 20 be any different?
American cars are so bad. We did ~3000k of driving last year in the US and noticed that most of the cars on the road were new. Didn’t take long to realise why - between terrible driving standards causing them to crash regularly, terrible build quality causing the interior to fall apart, and needing to drive EVERYWHERE so you flog the thing out in about 12 months vehicles are practically disposable.
There were late model cars still rocking the flashing brake light as an indicator wtf lol
We didn’t get nothing, what a disappointment. Barely a sprinkle of rain.
The downside to making them weekly is that it will only appear on your feed for the first day or two, then it will disappear and won’t get used anyway.
🎵 B Y D Shark, do do do 🎵
That’s some vintage memeing
I cracked the sads at the wife for listening to whatever FM station it was one time when there were about 4 covers in a row, two of which were Elton John songs slowed down to like 1/4 pace and a repetitive synth added over the top.
Todays pupdate:
It’s car chase time! From L->R we have Flo, Toppie, Oscar, Boris, Stonky, and Poppy. Not pictured: Nugget and Callie.
Satellite and Mobile are both pretty bad options for hosting.
Have you looked at tailscale or CloudFlare zerotrust to allow access to your server?
This sounds exactly like an episode from the first season of Utopia
Not out at Walkuraka was it? Do some work at a sand blasting joint out there that’s always about a billion degrees.
Today’s pupdate:
This is Toppy, he’s chasing a lure at Sprint Dogs
Here’s what my feed currently looks like:
Our EV doesn’t have a spare, which I wasn’t concerned about as I’ve had maybe two flats in my driving history and one of those I just pumped up and drove to the tyre shop for a repair.
What did catch me out recently was not having a jack. It makes sense though - car has no spare, so why include a jack?
We got a screw in the tyre a few weeks back and it was leaking too bad to pump up for even a short drive. I figured I’d jack up the car, take off the rim, and take it in the wife’s car to the tyre joint.
Things to note:
Didn’t want to leave it perched on a jack and a single wheel, so took the tyre off and ended up replacing the screw in the hole that was leaking with a bigger screw… Then pumping it up and driving it to the tyre joint.
Moral of the story - might be easier to just carry a small selection of different sized screws and a screw driver.