tropicalislandvisiter [none/use name]

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • Yeah cause if you say stuff like that around right wingers they’ll just say you’re doing reverse racism. And if you say it around liberals they’ll say it’s too violent and uncivil. It’s an insult that only works on people who already agree with you.

    And even if people understand rationally that it’s jokes, it’s not actually racist, etc., in their heart of hearts it feels like they’re unwanted even in their own niche online political subculture that they’ve alienated everything else in life to fit into. And since most of us are in the west there’s little actual movement to be a part of, so it is just alienating and lonely. That’s the only reason this website exists.

    If people don’t fit in with normal people in their lives and they don’t fit in even in the weird niche they have left, what’s left? And the response is who cares about white tears, why prejudice the comfort of white people over liberation for oppressed minorities. Which makes sense…but it making sense doesn’t make you not feel bad about it.

    Obviously the real answer is to not care at all about anything anyone posts online. Because it’s all fake and silly. I don’t know anyone here. But if it’s okay to make jokes about the mayocide, I should be allowed to joke about starting it locally on myself

  • we are saying that no form of masculinity good

    I don’t know if I agree, indigenous cultures all developed their own concept of masculinity. Some of which included traits like sharing. A man who hoards to himself instead of giving to others is not considered a real man. Masculinity based on your generosity. That seems cool to me.

    workers will fight the class war. Men are the reactionary force against it because we live in a patriarchal society and that means men control the means of production

    Most workers are men though. And men writ large don’t control the means of production, the owning class does. Most men don’t own much at all. You are incoherently mixing Marxism with radfem theory.

    the black bourgeoisie never had the chance to develop sexism, they had all those moral values placed upon them by their colonizers. Sexism as we know it is a white construct.

    Sexism was considered a major issue in the Black Panther Party. And many African societies were themselves deeply patriarchal before colonization. Sexism as it exists currently wasn’t even static in Europe.

    and the only way we can make the average young man a leftist is through early education when they are a child, so that’s why I think their a lost cause

    Again, most young men are workers, and we appeal to them by advocating for the working class. Will they be sexist? Probably, but that can be neutralized by improving people’s lives generally.

    Im just trying to advocate for cutting losses where they exist.

    What you’re advocating is that ~50% of workers are inherently unreachable. That’s a losing proposition.

  • Some things can’t be done away with by decree. To abolish is to pull something up by the root if you don’t get the root, the weed will grow back. This is the same mistake the Afghanistani communist party made by trying to outlaw religion, or China with the GPCR. You can’t abolish the nuclear family by outlawing naming babies (silly). You abolish it by creating a more attractive alternative and removing the forces that created it to begin with.

    “If the current generation doesn’t meet our ideological standards they’re not worth our time” doesn’t make a lot of sense. So there’s no point organizing until everyone meets some metric of ideological purity? What if a revolutionary moment arrives with no one to guide it? And if you do organize, who will you be organizing? 20 year olds with little experience or technical knowledge? I’m not sure why people look at the GPCR and say “I want only the stuff that failed miserably”.

    I’m not sure why you’d want to alienate such a large mass of the population. There’s a lot of young men out there, and it’s not like white men are the only ones struggling with finding a positive masculinity, either. What do you think happens if you openly disdain and antagonize a bunch alienated, reactionary-leaning men? Do you think a few internet poisoned leftists will demoralize them, or will it actively motivate people to turn to the right?

    If you’re a Marxist, our politics are human liberation. Not rejecting anyone who doesn’t fit what we imagine a utopian society will be.

  • Even if Biden isn’t actually better on immigration, I think a lot of migrants assumed that he is because he’s less explicitly vitriolic than Trump. The official numbers of migrants are, if they’re true, staggering to me. A ton of people are immigrating for reasons ranging from climate change to higher wages. Move to the US, work a few years at triple or quadruple pay, then move back home and vastly improve your family’s life.

    With public housing, quick citizenship or work visas, and a jobs program this could be good for everyone. But it’s harder to maintain an underclass of exploitable labor that way.