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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • The picture is crooked by just enough
    That you’d need a level to tell.
    Every adjustment skews it a little bit more
    This is starting to feel just like hell.
    If it’s low on the left, now it’s high on the right,
    Or it could be the other way around.
    If we can’t seem to find a way to agree,
    Maybe the piece should just come down.
    But we like it’s aesthetic, that much is a fact,
    Though we can’t really explain why.
    One thing is for certain, we want it displayed,
    We just both feel it has fallen awry.
    So I’ll push, and you’ll pull, and we’ll stand back and sneer
    At the other’s well-meant intentions
    As it goes from one extreme to the next
    While neither of us pays much attention,
    To the fact that the picture itself is what really matters,
    Not how it sits on a line.
    The whole Earth is slanted on its own axis,
    And even beauty is crooked sometimes.

  • I’ve played all the Souls games and Elden Ring to 100% but Sekiro I couldn’t make it more than a few hours into before it became unbearable. I decided to install a mod to slow time down by 50% so I could better understand the timing. I still couldn’t fucking play it!

    I recently bought Hi-Fi Rush and spent a solid week absolutely hating myself. I realized that my timing is piss poor and I have absolutely no rhythm and every time I played the game I lost a little respect for myself, until… I installed it on my SteamDeck. Now suddenly I’ve gone from D rankings to S rankings?

    So I went back to my PC and dug out my old Xbox 360 controller, plugged it in and… yep. I’m fucking great at Hi-Fi Rush. It was the damn latency from the wireless controller. Weird thing was none of the latency settings in the game helped. Because Zeus knows I tried every one hoping it wasn’t me.

    Long story short, I really need to reinstall Sekiro and give it a try with a wired controller.

  • I just read Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion for the first time this year. When I got to the end of Hyperion I did something I rarely do. I usually buy all my books used as sort of a “thrill of the hunt” thing. I bought The Fall of Hyperion new… out of rage. I demanded to know what was going to happen next, because without knowing I couldn’t tell if I loved or hated the fucking book! I then read through The Fall of Hyperion as fast as I could manage.

    Now I can say, without a doubt, it’s one of my favorite books I’ve ever read. And yet I’m still not sure I am willing to go forward with the Endymion books.