No. But I want to stick them into the Kenshi skinner machine and make Planet of the Apes taxidermy for the future Smithsonian exhibit on them.
No. But I want to stick them into the Kenshi skinner machine and make Planet of the Apes taxidermy for the future Smithsonian exhibit on them.
Honestly theres a good chance that the US may collapse, its tied pretty thoroughly to capitalism which is also showing signs of hitting its end point. Its possible that within the next four years even that the US will be 50 individual countries with the federal government no longer existing. The very problems that are allowing Trump and Musk to wreck shit is the same type of problems that collapse empires, and theres no American equivalent to Russia for the USSR or Serbia for Yugoslavia.
I was 16 at the start of the last time, so yeah quite a few of the middle and younger zoomers may legit not remember or were too young to understand.
I didnt notice it till your comment but Musks spiral of stupidity lines up with him losing positive social influence. Motherfucker has nothing to fill the void so he is instead chasing higher and higher positions to try to scratch that itch, it matches up pretty well when you use his early publicity stunts as the start, the purchase of Twitter as a midpoint, and now as the current high and your probably right he cant get too much more influence meaning he is probably not far from trying to shoot someone. Lets hope he goes for Trump as a target cause at least then nobody of worth will get hurt.
They forgot the first rule of having a military, ya gotta give the butcher his share.
Also embrace deconstruction for some states namely Florida rip up the roots of civilization and give it back to the swamps. The Seminole can have the entire region once its all done.
Hey dude this aint how ya turn an insult around, they dont care about this shit in practical terms. The best insults especially counter insults using ones they use are ones they actually would be offended by, its a lot like flyting where you have to tailor your insults to the subject.
If ya want to go full pedal to the metal no regard for decorum with Mace specifically well all I ask is that no one gets bent out of shape on this I am gonna channel the worst of the Boomers I grew up around. Aight insult time, “I severely doubt anyone would sexually assault Nancy Mace, look at her its practically bestiality.”
Why mine would work is cause it attacks their insecurities, their self image, their reality, and even their personhood. Its doing the same thing they do to other folks without granting legitimacy to their claims. Or maybe im a horrible fucking human being who gets sadistic pleasure for being horrible to other horrible people, I dont know nor do I care.
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My money is on that they either blew through or are about to blow through the ICE budget and are going to attempt to force the local, county, and state police to do ICE jobs. These big stupid actions ICE is doing is both inefficient and expensive and while they probably have a budget to do big shit every couple of months they probably dont have the manpower or money to do it constantly. Trying to force lower level law enforcement to do it is just the type of corporate influenced stupidity Musk and Trump would come up with.
Id settle for feeding them to the Joshua Trees.
Thats exactly what im making fun of, Musk is equivalent to the nazi elite getting fucked up on meth.
Ive met a couple folks who can do this, they just listen to music they have on their phone or whatever and do hobbies that dlnt require outside interaction. They are pretty much completely insular information wise and are usually a step behind for all news, they are also extremely vulnerable to right wing nonsense since they dont interact with any outside information on the regular.
You may have been thinking of the older movement to have a bunch of random parts of Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and California join up with Idaho. That one was a hell of a lot less consistent in what areas they wanted. Theres also the original proposal for what would become Utah which included lands as far away from Utah as San Bernardino and LA.
No its pretty exclusive to NorCal, also there isnt too much going on along the California Nevada border agriculturally. Not to say theres nothing just that it pales compared to the Central Valley.
No it fucking isnt, the Jefferson crap is located in the economically depressed mountains of NorCal, when the logging industry imploded they were left behind. They dont produce much food of any note.
I wish he would add pervitin to his cocktail of drugs so that at the very least he would be time period accurate to his Nazi beliefs. I kinda doubt the Nazis would approve of horse tranquilizer, they wanted meth.
His brain is probably fucked from the amount of ketamine he has used. When rich bastards like musk use drugs its never a normal amount of too much its usually a how the fuck are you still alive amount.
Theres a local used bookstore which is only vaguely organized, smells of decades if not centuries old paper, the politics section is just piles of conservative nonsense and two rows of well organized works by economic philosophers, and theres a cobweb covered copy of Dianetics on top of the Sci-fi shelf. It is truly cozy and glorious.
Depends how much Trump and Musk fuck with the states. If they continually piss off the bigger or blocks of states you could see one or two declare independence, that could cause a cascade of states declaring independence like with the former Soviet Republics. But its also possible that the states just start ignoring the federal government which eventually loses its authority.