• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • weastie@lemmy.worldtovegan@lemmy.worldCarnist logic… or lack thereof
    1 month ago

    Tumeric is used for coloring food a ton. Presentation of food matters way more than most people think.

    If you went to a halal restaurant and they served you white rice wouldn’t that feel weird? I promise that the turmeric they add to the rice isn’t making that significant of a flavor difference, it’s mostly there for coloring.

  • I am more than happy to be preachy about ending the suffering and abuse of literally billions of animals.

    Listen, I appreciate someone who is at least not hostile towards vegans, but I hate this whole “I respect what vegans eat, so they should respect what I eat”. Sir, you are eating an animal that was most likely tortured and abused its entire life up until the point it was murdered

  • I feel like that’s a common trend with vegan food. Take a delicious food item and overuse it until it’s almost disgusting. I love hummus but I can imagine if I ate it all the time I would get sick of it. I’m like that a little bit with mushrooms, I love mushrooms but eating a ton of them makes them gross for me.

    I think something sorta unique about hummus that makes it really popular is that it’s a vegan protein source that is served cold and can surprisingly substitute meat and cheese well. Like you mentioned about sandwiches, you can take out the deli meat and cheese and replace it with hummus and it still tastes delicious. Most vegan protein sources are cooked and served warm, or don’t taste well with garden vegetables (like peanut butter).

  • From a taste perspective, umami.

    From a health perspective, eating more protein is really good for satiety and therefore weight loss. Personally, when I don’t go out of my way to incorporate extra protein sources, I usually just don’t feel satisfied and full. I understand and recognize that you literally don’t need a ton of extra protein to be healthy, but I feel best when I have it.

  • That’s fair, as someone who went vegan recently I quite enjoy a couple meat substitutes. I imagine someone who’s been vegan for a while doesn’t care for them much though.

    I really like impossible ground beef and its derivatives (meatballs, burgers). This has been my main way of convincing my friends they could maybe go vegan, all but one of my really picky friends still enjoy these. But the vast majority of vegan imitation meats I don’t care much for.

  • I think there are a few spots where vegan cheese works.

    There’s a couple simple parmesan cheese recipes that are pretty much just blended cashews, nooch, and seasonings that I enjoy on spaghetti. I’m sure it wouldn’t fool anybody but it works like a charm for me.

    I also think you can make queso dips pretty well, the main ingredient usually being blended cashews or blended potatoes and carrots.

    Sorry for bringing up cashews again but you can also make a really good cashew ricotta that’s a good spread on crackers.

    I tend not to enjoy the imitation cheeses. I prefer just going all in on the nuts and enjoying the final product as it’s own unique item.

  • Okay but there’s a moral hierarchy when it comes to eating meat. Humans used to hunt, meaning we would kill animals that lived natural lives. Not to mention, we would typically target animals that were older or sickly, because we would have a harder time killing animals that are in their prime.

    That’s so much different from modern day agriculture practices. We raise animals in fences so tight they can’t turn their heads, and feed them nasty stuff. We abuse the shit out of them until they reach the point where we deem them the most profitable then we kill them. There’s nothing natural about that.

    Also, it’s really hard to know for sure, but we have a good amount of evidence that humans didn’t eat that much meat. First of all, the animals we hunted wouldn’t be nearly as fat as the animals we eat today. Secondly, there’s evidence that many humans ate roughly 100g of fiber per day, which is not possible if you had any serious amount of meat. Humans ate a lot of plants. 100g of fiber is an insane amount of plants.