• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • This is a super bro-y list. If Inception didn’t already have a 4K release it would definitely be on here.

    I’d like to see these on 4K, but there are a lot of movies that I’d like to see more, even within the filmographies of the directors referenced here!

    Let’s give it a shot:

    Fincher: Zodiac.

    Anderson: There Will Be Blood or The Master. Easy choice over Boogie Nights.

    Tarantino: I want the 70 mm road show version of The Hateful Eight.

    Cuarón: Yeah OK, Children of Men for this one.

    Cameron: Well, we just got like half his filmography on 4K, and The Abyss looks great. (Aside from literally 2-3 badly altered scenes, True Lies does too, when in motion and not in stills on a website.)

  • I really appreciate how fully realized the characters are, but the gore and gross-out elements, the just generally stressful situations, the flippant attitude toward humiliation, and the dystopian attitude toward death make the show a tolerance watch for me. I’ll watch the next season, I think it will be worth watching as always, and I enjoy the commentary. I just don’t think that I could say I’ll enjoy watching it as I normally use that word.

  • I would post more regularly, but my financial situation changes very slowly and there’s just not that much to talk about related to it without repeating myself. I don’t follow outside FIRE resources, so I can’t share anything of interest. I don’t even know if I could categorize myself as FIRE exactly since I won’t be able to retire in my 40s. 50s is likely… which used to be the normal age for retirement.

    I mainly subscribe with the hope of hearing from other people.