zed_proclaimer [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • You have probably been reading propaganda. Russia has been clearly winning for over a year, and all indications are that time and attrition is on Russia’s side as well. This was quite obvious and clear from the start to anyone familiar with the history of wars involving Russia versus Europe; Russia has massive resources to tap into and an extremely educated population with extensive military and logistic legacy knowledge from the Soviet Union, which was the world superpower militarily in terms of land wars on the Eurasian continent. Russia is also a handful of kilometers from the frontline and capable of massive standardized domestic production of arms - Ukraine is getting a hodgepodge of expiring arms from all over the world in an uncoordinated piecemeal fashion. Of course Russia’s system of war is better. It’s also the soviet advantage in WW2, logistics and industrial production.

    Pro-Ukrainian propaganda has been flooded through everywhere in the Western media world, so it’s likely all you have been exposed to. I recommend dabbling in Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern diplomatic and news sources to get a wider picture of what actually is going on. Ukraine is never getting back Donbas or Crimea, and they will be lucky to get out of this with Kharkiv or Odessa

  • Are you not following global events since October 7th? America has positioned itself to go all-in defending Israel and is willing to start a 5 front war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansarallah in Yemen, Iraqi resistance groups in Iraq, Assad’s government in Syria and the Palestinians themselves. They are fighting Iran already by fighting all of Iran’s allies in the region simultaneously. The neocons figure they need to go for the throat instead of getting attrition hybrid warfared by proxies and spread thin, and they are not wrong in this assessment. US empire and domination in the Middle East is at a precipice, they either need to go all in (go for Iran, likely with nukes eventually unless Iran gets some ASAP for MAD) or they need to back off and withdraw from the region with their tail tucked between their legs, leaving behind all their investments and petro-dollar dominion.

    It is escalating sharply and has been for some time to full on regional total war. Strait of Hormuz is closing soon at this rate. Iran is a regional superpower and they have a lot of ties and investments to all of these groups being increasingly attacked by US/UK/Israeli air strikes and missile strikes.

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]@hexbear.nettomain@hexbear.netDeterminism?
    5 months ago

    mongols were still expanding westward until they hit the carpathians and caucuses, and even sent some expeditionary scouting parties through and found there wasn’t enough grass to sustain their horses and the land was too poor and backwards to bother with. One of their scouting parties nearly defeated a European army on its own and the Europeans thought they beat the Mongols for good but it was just a small detatchment


    They made it as far west as Bulgaria and the Carpathian mountains, and could have easily continued had it been worth it and had there not been annoying choke-points and bottlenecks and rugged terrain - eventually the Mongols did take Bulgaria, but as I was saying, the mountainous terrain in this region is really what walled them off and led to them being ambushed and defeated at higher rates, and reduced the effectiveness and mobility of their armies.