With fuck
please shtudown
With fuck
please shtudown
git checkout crabs
git rebase platypus
git checkout main
git merge crabs
git push —force
Just put AI in it.
While the deadline for the previous task is also not pushed out.
What will the chaos monkey do next.
I don’t even bother gaming on my phone anymore with everything filled with iaps and ads. Would rather just pay to have the license and play on the Steamdeck instead. Hell, with the sales I’m more likely to just get them even if I don’t get around to playing it.
To drown in flooding?
Paraphrased: everyone has a production environment, if you’re lucky you have a test environment too.
Fell for the “it’s just an mvp we’ll rewrite it if it’s successful” trap huh.
Not sure what the threat is here… usually when you start working for a company there’s a non disclosure so that punishment was always there.
A hole was added to the cap in 1991.
No, it’s usually ship on Friday. At 1600.
I notice clerical mutilation is not on the list.
Yeah it’s Mountain Equipment Company now
If you haven’t seen long long man, you’re one of todays lucky 10000.