• @SeducingCamel
    -312 months ago

    Idk what kind of left wing spaces yall find. Maybe if everyone didn’t think hexbear was the boogeyman they’d realize how accepting they are

    • @nyctre@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Yep, super accepting, especially of Russian imperialism: “Instead of seeking peace our fascist government in Ukraine funds death squads in Russia to do terrorist attacks making the war worse”.

      And Chinese killings: “The Tiananmen Square ‘Massacre’: The West’s Most Persuasive, Most Pervasive Lie.”

      “As for the Uyghur thing, even western media has largely abandoned that point since it was too easy to see that no one was being killed”.

      Those are just a few heavily upvoted comments that I found within 5 minutes of opening their page.

        • @Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          2 months ago

          Tankies aren’t leftists; I’ve yet to read a coherent and useful way of defining “leftist” that includes tankies as well as other groups that identify as such. That is to say, if we allow for the existence of entities that are mistaken or lie about being leftist, we are forced to exclude tankies.

          • @Kichae@lemmy.ca
            82 months ago

            But their unity-through-force ideology, which is totally not just an excuse to be edgy and feel morally superior, but really and truly a coherent belief system, is definitely practical and pure, and not some slighly skewed picture of fascism with a handful of socialist buzzword decals slapped on top.

            So, therefore, Left!

            . . .

            /s juuuuuuust in case

        • @Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          2 months ago

          I looked through your comments to understand why you reacted like that, and I realized you’re either wildly politically illiterate or you can’t do math. When your supporting argument for Wyoming being underrepresented is “they have 1 congress person” instead of an argument about the number per population it’s kinda hard to tell which it is. The talk about the state being “big” makes me suspect it’s the former, however.

            • @Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              2 months ago

              Take some number of citizens C.

              If the population of the state is P, let the number of Representatives ® be P/C, rounded up [R=ceil(P/C)].

              Note how land area is not a part of the formula.

              If Texas were the size of Detroit while maintaining the total population size, would you argue in favor of reducing their representatives to 1 or even 0?

              If the answer is yes, you need to take a civics class. Your question is like asking how much wax you need to make a crayon be blue; the hue of the crayon is entirely independent of the total amount of wax. Hopefully that’s an analogy you understand.

    • Maeve
      12 months ago

      I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to subscribe to whole instances.

    • @glassware@lemmy.world
      02 months ago

      Hexbear is better on this than most places to be honest. Surprising coming from a community that formed around Chapo, whose favourite insults are autistic and smooth brained.

      • @SeducingCamel
        12 months ago

        I definitely see why the politics scare people away but if you say a slur they’re gonna dogpile you which is nice considering how prevalent it is elsewhere

    • @exocrinous@startrek.website
      02 months ago

      Hexbear called me a troll because I’m dronegender and banned me for saying gender neutral pronouns exist. Th’all are reactionaries.

      • @Azzu
        12 months ago

        I’d like to ask a question about your gender identity, if you don’t want to answer just ignore this.

        Why exactly do you think “dronegender” is a “gender”? https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/List_of_nonbinary_identities defines it as “where family, romantic, and sexual relationships involve hiveminds, mind-melding, and/or telepathy” and it says examples are “the Zerg, the Borg, and the Xenomorphs”.

        To me, the description seems like abilities not related to gender, i.e. a male or female or whatever identifying person could also be part of hive minds, practice mind melding or telepathy.

        I would have called the example fictional species agender because they reproduce asexually and show no signs of having any gender.

        • @exocrinous@startrek.website
          12 months ago

          Because my droneness goes in the place where my binary gender would be. I transitioned from male to female and my dysphoria got less. Then I transitioned from female to drone and my dysphoria disappeared, except for the times my gender is invalidated by others. I’d say that’s conclusive evidence. I can give you the shpiel about how gender naturally arises as the result of family roles, and drone is intrinsically a family role, but at the end of the day that’s speculation. I don’t have evidence for why drone is a gender. I just have absolute evidence that it is. If I said “genders are family roles”, all I’d really be doing is invalidating cloudgender people and everyone else whose gender isn’t a family role. I wouldn’t actually be helping anyone but myself, and the only help I’d be giving myself is a 1% improvement in the eyes of people who think genders have to make sense. And some days I just don’t wanna impress those kind of people. Genders don’t make sense. Football and beer is a gender and it’s the opposite of makeup and shoes? That’s ridiculous. Gender is ridiculous, perhaps intrinsically so.

          • @Azzu
            12 months ago

            Thanks for the explanation, I think I understand better. Did you do any medical transitioning when going from male to female? Like taking/suppressing hormones or surgery?

            • @exocrinous@startrek.website
              12 months ago

              Yes, I’m on estrogen. I could stealth rather easily, the only reason people know I’m not a cis woman is because I tell them and because I act gay AF. I’m getting genital nullification surgery after I speak with another psychiatrist.