This is the second advertising post I’ve seen on lemmy and they were both today. I’m wondering how other people feel about it or if they’ve even seen posts like this?

Personally I’m livid and hate seeing it here. One of the things that attracts me to lemmy is the donation based, volunteer run, distributed, open access nature of it. I don’t want it to become profit driven and I really don’t want to see companies in what I belive should be a purely social endeavour. I really think making it profit driven will ruin it, if that means it stays smaller then I’m okay with that.

Now I know I can block them and move on which is what I’ve done. I’m also pleased to say that both posts I saw were heavily downvoted and I did my part too.

I’m curious if other people agree with me and don’t want advertising like this on lemmy? Also, what do people think we can actually do about it if we don’t want it around? Petition instance admins to ban advertising accounts? Then how do we define one? Can anything actually be done or do I just have to block and move on from a possibly ever increasing flow of advertising until I get bored and move on?

Sorry for the long rambling post and thanks if you read this far.

  • GrayBackgroundMusic
    1 year ago

    Eh, I’m not 100% against them. There’s a time and a place for ads. If a 3d printer company wants to have an account, post they have a new 3d printer, and it’s in a 3d printing company, that’s an ad, but I want that one. 3d printing filament manufacturer having a sale on filament? I want that ad bc I wanna get that cheap filament. Random driving service in an unrelated community? Block and move on.

    I don’t think it’ll get too bad because there’s no automated ads here. All ads/posts are manual, AFAIK. (I’m sure someone will figure out how to automate it.) If it does get too bad, then there should be something more, sure, but it’s not there yet.

      1 year ago

      I disagree, ads should be pull not push media. If I want to buy something I go to the different manufacturers website and pull all the information from them and then decide what I want to buy. I don’t need them to shove it into my face for the other 364 days of the year.