Crazy left

  • NeuromancerOPM
    -82 months ago

    No but only a troll would claim they know more than the people who wrote it. That’s your claim is that you’re smarter than the people who wrote it.

    That’s next level troll activity.

      2 months ago

      Dude you’re ignoring specifics that prove you wrong from a generalized statement from the same people, which you are using to assert your correctness because your ego can’t let you be wrong.

      If anyone’s the troll, it’s you because nobody with a functioning brain would ever legit think that.

      • NeuromancerOPM
        -72 months ago

        When I’m wrong I’ll admit it. Obviously you can’t.

        You still think you know more than the people who wrote it which is comical. They clearly state your opinion is false. They wrote it. Yet, you keep arguing from ignorance.

        It’s hard to take you serious when you think you know more than the people who wrote it. That’s an ego that’s way out of whack.

          • NeuromancerOPM
            -42 months ago

            Well you haven’t seem to have figured it out yet. It’s hard to argue with you think you’re smarter than the people who wrote it and explained it.

              42 months ago

              Ok so let’s return to the main point of discussion: in order for what you linked to be correct, then the examples given can’t match the description I gave. Can you confirm they do not?