• 281 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年8月5日

  • CNN is allowed under R2 as long as it is pro-conservative or . Talking about Elon and his finances is not pro-conservative, nor is it anti-liberal. There are plenty of other places for you to talk about Elon. The topic isn’t relevant to the spirit of R2.

    You also posted that Kamala Harris is not in line with R2.

    I have had this conversation with you ad nauseam, and I will not repeat myself constantly. I will delete the offending material and go on with life.

    I will repost rule 2 to allow you to read and digest it again.

    We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and discussing things that might get ignored elsewhere. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.

    As you will note, CNN as a source of information is fine as long as it is pro-conservative. If you think one of the mods will delete it, it is best to post an explanation as to how it is pro-conservative or showing a liberal bias.

  • Rule 2 sums it up well. We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and discussing things that might get ignored elsewhere. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.

    So no, the point isn’t to watch anyone rage off them but to have a discussion on the topic.

    I help mod this one, and then I have another message board I run as well. It leans mostly liberal but with some conservatives. The main difference is that Lemmy people really don’t want a conversation; they want an echo chamber and for everyone to agree with their ideas.

    In my other forum, we have discussions for the most part. Sometimes we get a little silly, but we do have some dialogue on the topics.

  • I think people forget until Reagan came into power, living in poverty was normal for many people. I think people don’t realize the difference between growing up in the 70’s and current times. In the 70’s we wore hand me downs, had old cars, didn’t eat out, rarely went to movies and my father was a union auto worker who made more than most. Poverty was just a way of life.

    Now everyone expects a huge home, new cars, new cell phone, new iPhone, etc

    It isn’t that wages are not adequate, the expectations have changed.

  • Personally, I think the minimum wage should be abolished and a living wage implemented. The term minimum seems to cause a lot of debate about the idea of the wage or a bargaining system like many of the European states have.

    A living wage should be able to pay rent, own a basic car, have health insurance, etc. As such it would be regionally adjusted to guarantee a basic standard of living.

    The idea of a national minimum wage is just silly since the cost of living varies so much regionally. It ends up screwing people in areas where the cost is higher.

  • Nope, they killed more than the Nazis. It’s disputable. Communism kills. It’s an idiotic racist philosophy that lowered the standard of living for millions of people and caused the deaths of even more.

    Trump made good decisions. We had very low inflation under Trump and as they clean up the wasteful spending, we will see inflation drop from the highs under Biden.

    Trump didn’t cause the inflation. It was over spending in response to Covid and Biden’s inflation reduction act.
