Taxing unrealized gains would be unconstitutional.

    22 months ago

    At some point it’s not the fault of the people, it’s the fault of those that own the system the people are trapped in.

    You can’t keep blaming consumer spending habits as cost of living rises and pay stays mostly stagnant. Eventually, if you want anything fixed you need to acknowledge it’s corporations and the ultra-wealthy adding to their wealth that’s mainly the problem.

      -42 months ago

      The more the wealthy are taxed, the more that working people are garaunteed to forever stay poor. What would make it fair is eliminate the payroll tax, eliminate corporate tax because corporations only exist on paper, they do not use any resources, the people do. Also, eliminate the income tax, and cut government funding, cut government programs, cut government spending. Then replace it with either a single universale flat tax so everybody can do their taxes on a single page, or a consumption tax, but never both taxes.

        32 months ago

        The more the working people are taxes, the more the working people are guaranteed to forever stay poor as well.

        Your idea for cutting government funding, programs and government spending basically renders the government more useless than it already is.

        Rather than continuing to cut more and more from the patient until nothing is left and they die, we should be scrutinizing the doctors (government officials) more about the choices they make behind closed doors.

        Repealing citizens united would be a start. We can’t get anywhere without preventing government officials from being bought by megacorps. Let’s start there.

          -42 months ago


          A government so small that it can be drowned in a bathtub is a free citizenry.

            2 months ago

            No, it’s a dead and incapable government.

            Might as well be for all-out anarchy.

            If you want to root our government corruption you go after the officials’ money, not the government’s.

            In the USA we elect them to do a job. We’re basically their bosses already. The problem is with money coming in from elsewhere they’re not beholden to us, so people tend to forget that.

              -42 months ago

              I am 100% against everything you said. Government itself is the problem. I would argue that government is the greatest evil in society. I’m fully against you on all of it.

                32 months ago

                That statement was untrue when Reagan said it and it’s still untrue today.

                How much longer until we see trickle down economics taking effect?