For me it was Wolfmother at a major German festival. I didn’t really know them before and did not expect too much, but was totally blown away by their performance.

  • intensely_human
    5 months ago

    Ninja Sex Party in Boulder, late 2022.

    It was just an awesome vibe. Had never heard of the band. Friend had an extra ticket and invited me. Last minute. Almost didn’t go.

    Was so fun. That band is hilarious and awesome.

    They also said it was their best concert ever too. That the crowd was like no other crowd.

    Felt good knowing I was a part of that.

    NSP’s been coming up on my spotify lately which probably means they’re coming back to town.

    What’s your favorite juice 🤣

    For a sample of the sorts of music they play, look up their song “Welcome to my Parents’ House”