I’ve got this idea in my head that I want a tofi based sound board that I can summon on a button press (and maybe fuzzy find through)

Should be fairly simple to do with the way tofi works to make the interface, but as far as I can find there’s not a quick and easy way to mix sounds in with mic input using pactl

Is there any single line solution for playing a sound over mic (like a soundboard would) anyone can think of or do I need to mess around with virtual audio devices to achieve this

    • @flashgnashOP
      11 month ago

      I think I’m using pipewire anyway, how are you thinking?

      • Footnote2669
        11 month ago

        You mention pactl so I’m not sure if you’re using pipewire, but if you are there is qpwgraph or helvum you could try

        • @flashgnashOP
          11 month ago

          I’m using pulse, had thought pipewire ran alongside it but I suppose that’s wrong. Will have a look anyway though