Gonna need to be a full on poly commune at this rate if prices keep going up.

    • @BakedCatboy@lemmy.ml
      1324 days ago

      Beyond that I also feel like the dating pool is just super small. Me and my partner have been poly for 4 years and still don’t have any other consistent partners.

        • @radicalautonomy@lemmy.world
          1724 days ago

          Are you saying you want three boyfriends but for them to not be allowed to date anyone besides you? Because that’s called a harem and I don’t know anyone…male, female, or otherwise…who would be interested in something so inequitable.

          If you’d not have a problem with your three boyfriends having other partners, then that is literally being polyamorous.

            • @radicalautonomy@lemmy.world
              23 days ago

              Agreed, but what I wrote wasn’t intended to imply that at all. I posited two scenarios, both of which would require full knowledge and consent of all parties: OP has three boyfriends who know about one another but are not permitted to have other partners of their own (harem), and one in which they know about each other and are free to date other people (polyamory).

            • nickwitha_k (he/him)
              724 days ago

              Not reinvented. Just categorized. Harems would be a form of polygamous relationship. There are tons of different forms of poly relationships, including cheating while in a “monogamous” relationship.

              • @StaySquared@lemmy.world
                -124 days ago

                LMAO these kids today are going to be left so fkin confused about reality. It’s as if it’s better that they get married by the age of 15 just so they can avoid all the crazies out there who will eventually turn them into the crazies out there.

                  • @StaySquared@lemmy.world
                    023 days ago

                    The only identity (geo) politics I acknowledge is Global South and West. In the Global South, there really isn’t identity politics and nor does the general consensus of the Global South want to embrace identity politics. All identity politics does is divide us further and keeps us unfocused and enslaved to the government. Sooner or later identity politics will self devour, regardless of what side you’re on. To be frank, I don’t like democracy - mob rules. It ultimately ushers in degeneracy and corruption.

                    Mods, please don’t ban me. We should have open discourse.

              • gimpchrist
                -124 days ago

                This shit right here is why I’m not poly… it was a fucking joke your crowd has never been able to understand humor. God. Way to make me feel gross about the whole thing and ruin it.

                • @Ranger@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  623 days ago

                  I’m autistic & tend to take statements with minimal social cues at face value, also I’m willing to bet money autistic people are over represented among poly people. I didn’t intend to make you feel gross but how do you think your joke made me feel?

    • @Crow@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      924 days ago

      Is polyamory just a joke to you? It’s fine to be uncomfortable with the concept, be monogamous if you like, but treating it as a joke and calling it disgusting isn’t very nice