I’ll go first: “You have to have children when you’re young,” told to me when I was in my late 20s, with no desire to ever have kids, and no means to support them, by someone divorced multiple times with at least one adult child who does not speak to them.

Also: Responding to “How do I deal with this problem?” questions with “Oh, don’t worry about it, it’s enough that you’re even thinking about it!”

  • CoderKat
    1 year ago

    Ugh, I hate that line. Especially since it often feels like it has this air of victim blaming to it. Oh, this horrible thing happened to you and ruined your life? Well, it happened on purpose cause some Big Guy thought you deserved it!

    Plus it often feels pretty sociopathic. Like, it’s only usually said by religious people to explain why their god let something bad happen. The same god that they worship and want you to worship. “Sorry your spouse got murdered, but it’s okay cause god wanted it that way.” Saying that their god intended you to suffer seems worse to me than if the god either didn’t care, was powerless, or didn’t exist.