For me it is opening credits sequence in Nier Automata, Shadowlord’s castle in Nier Replicant and AI reveal in MGS2. All these three games are masterclass in storytelling.
For me it is opening credits sequence in Nier Automata, Shadowlord’s castle in Nier Replicant and AI reveal in MGS2. All these three games are masterclass in storytelling.
For me it was when i was playing deep rock galactic. I always played with randoms and i was still not very sure how everything worked and i would quite often get lost. In one game extraction was already going, and we had like 2 minutes left. I panicked and just ran around like an idiot, at some point i accepted my fate and kinda just looked around. Suddenly a driller blasted through a wall, like the koolaid man. He gave me a rock and stone and i followed him back to the drill with like 20 seconds to spare. I never had a moment in video games before and after where i saw someone doing something and i legitimately though: wow, an actual super hero.
There was just something that clicked right there. Deep rock is very dark and claustrophobic, and if you have a bad sense of orientation and (i think i didn’t know how the map worked) and i don’t think any game ever gave me that good kind of anxiety before.