I’m a dude, but I frequently browse BadWomansAnatomy. I was having a (calm, respectful) debate with a few users regarding how a lot of people that have “transitioned” still bear hallmarks of their former gender (I mentioned one of my long time friends who has gone from MTF and still looks the same. Kaitlin and Elliot are also good examples). The ban was because I dared to use the “dead names” of Elliot Page and Kaitlin Jenner! Oh the horror! 😱

I went to post in /r/rant how I just thought it was ridiculous and it was autoremoved because I mentioned the world “mod” in the title and I mentioned a specific community 🤣

  • PhlubbaDubba
    3 days ago

    Yeah no you brought that shit on yourself.

    • First of all, trans women actually show lower T levels than cis women because they’re literally taking medicine that blocks its production, and yes, cis women do produce testosterone too, just not from testicles. So whatever nonse you think you’re able to clock trans women with, you’re probably accusing cis women and being a real douche about it too.

    • Second, dead naming is genuinely just a dick thing to do even outside the presence of the person in question, because you’re fundamentally saying that you care so little for someone that you’re not even going to respect their preferred form of being addressed, which like, why would ya go out of your way to be that asshole. You’re being that guy who insists on calling Tim Timothy all the time, why would you be doing that except to get under Tim’s skin? Stop being that guy and just call him Tim like a normal person who doesn’t need to have basic manners and zero effort good human behavior explained to them.

    • Third, so you’re admitting outright you broke community rules and are still thinking the post in question being removed is unfair? I’m not normally a fan of powermodding but bro that’s not an excuse to be mad that you faced consequences for breaking the rules in broad daylight.