My garmin has it set up like this:

Z1 = 50-60%
Z2 = 60-70%
Z3 = 70-80%
Z4 = 80-90%
Z5 = 90%+

As of right now, I’m seeing my Z3 improve but improving Z2 is going to take me a while. I can have a conversation in Z3 using the Garmin percentages.

I’ve also seen other forums/websites have different percentages. Ex.

Z1 = 68-73%
Z2 = 73-80%
Z3 = 80-87%
Z4 = 87-93%
Z5 = 93%+

If I used this method, then my Z2 is the one that has been improving this whole time. This one ‘feels’ right to me when I’m running but I’ve only been running for a few months at this point (was running last year but got sick a few times and had to basically start all over) so maybe I just need to stick to it and the garmin method will start to make more sense.

So I was just curious how everyone has their percentages set up. What do you all actually train at?


  • ATQ
    1 year ago

    Honesty, OP… none of this matters right now. At the “few months” mark you should simply run every run at a pace where it always feels easy. If a run ever starts to feel “not easy” you should slow down. Your avenue for improvement is to run more miles. The absolute best things a novice runner can do are to (1) stay healthy and (2) build easy volume. Zones will be useful for setting workouts once your fitness progresses past 30-35 easy miles a week.

    • a_fancy_kiwi@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I know your comment came from a good place but I disagree with a part of your comment. Setting realistic goals, even if they are long term goals, is important for some people. I’m not able to consistently run just for the fun of it, I need the numbers and graphs. “Number get bigger/better” or I’ll lose interest lol

      What I’m getting at is, you are right, for now, building up a good base is what I need and what I am working on. But for my future reference and the future reference of anyone who happens to come across this post, what percentages are runners using for heart rate training? I want something to work towards.

        1 year ago

        I just use the zones as preset on my Garmin watch. I don’t really care that much what percentages they are at exactly, for me it is enough that what the watch is showing me more or less matches my “feel” during a run.

        I did a few months of doing weekend long runs mostly in Z2 according to my watch, and I did feel the improvement I wanted, and that is enough for me. To hell with exact percentages.

        Your mileage may vary. :)