Just picked up a 128GB USB A/C stick that can go on my keyring. What are some things I should put on it to have access to at all times?

I already have self hosted services accessible over my VPN, so this would be for when I can’t access that.

I’m thinking at least Ventoy and some common ISOs, then I’m not sure what else.

  • narc0tic_bird
    2 months ago

    Well if you don’t have an actual use case for it, don’t try to artificially find one.

    The only thing I use USB sticks for nowadays is for OS installs.

    For everything else their write speeds are slow (even the more expensive USB sticks slow down to a crawl after what feels like not even one complete overwrite) and they are unreliable.

    Sure, if you want to carry around random OS installers and live environments, go for it. I personally don’t have a use case for it.