• SoylentBlake
    1 month ago

    It’s not hard to understand why Latinos vote conservative by default.

    They’re almost all raised Catholic.

    But I said by default. If anyone comes along and explains things to them, well, then you get why California is so dark blue. Almost no money gets spent advertising on Telemundo.

    The Cuban population in America are probably the farthest right. Cubans are weird. They seem to suffer generational trauma from Castro’s takeover, as if communism did some harm to them personally, when generally, it was the store owners and business owners that fled to Florida. Like owning a business isn’t allowed under communism? Lol, k. If anything, owning a business is democratized under communism. And if you like systems where your voice is included in decision making, well guess what, you got democracy and anarchy, and you can’t pre-establish, presume or pre-suppose anarchism. You want horizontal power structures. If you want to be a bootlicking , little bitch beta boy just taking orders and trying to weasel from personal responsibility and accountability as much as possible, then you want fascism or authoritarianism. Or your modern corporate heirachy. You want anything but having to actually look inward and mature into an adult.

    What’s scary for most established hierarchy is that most of the communist names you know came from privilege. Che, Castro, Engels, all came from rich or well to do families. They gave up wealth to do what they did. People aren’t taught that part, if they are taught anything positive about the revolutionaries.

    Don’t get me wrong, communism has had its ills but it took Russia from a broke backwater laughing stock when Lenin took over to rivaling, and in some ways besting, the only actor in WW2 who didn’t get bombed back 50 years. There’s power in that system. That’s undeniable.