• golli
    1 month ago

    Yeah you are probably right. Squeezing the most profit out of your customers certainly isn’t easy.

    But I am sure they are constantly running the numbers in the background, just as they did with other changes such as the crackdown on password sharing or changes in subscription tiers.

    Or they would need really, really compelling content to force people to swallow it, but streaming services have proven it’s not that easy to make content that good.

    I do think people will always want some form of entertainment. And with cable on the way out I’d imagine that as far as streaming services go Netflix is in a good position to be that default “minimum” so to speak.

    Only question would be if free services such as YouTube could fill that entertainment void and make people not want at least one streaming service (I’d assume that once one of them does long subscriptions, everyone else would follow suit)