• ⚛️ Color 🎨
    1 month ago

    I have lots of fave things about travelling!

    Being in a fancy hotel or apartment that has a great seaside view, especially if the hotel/apartment is on a hill so you can also see the rest of the town as well

    Being near the ocean and hearing the calls of seagulls which becomes a much welcome themed ambience, both during the day and at night (the latter takes some time to get used to!)

    Trying out the food - it’s a wonderful mystery! How will it compare to the places I usually have food? Only one way to find out!

    Swimming swimming swimming!!

    Travelling by train, seeing the countryside go past on a sunny day while reading a book or playing games

    Takeoff & landing, I love it when the pilot decides to takeoff very steeply and I get to imagine myself inside a rocket going up into space for a moment!