Just like with gov - freedom of speech isn’t absolute (thats why treason laws exist & have the highest of punishments).
Everyone can have consequences.
But how the tools are set and effective to provide those freedoms equally is the real issue.
Eg slander acoustics are used all the time for non-slander speech, just as a tool to limit that ones speech and even as a deterrent to others.
And I would say the wealthy disproportionately accuse of slander the not-so-wealthy.
Thats why I mention gag orders & lives ruined just by the procedures/tools.
Just like with gov - freedom of speech isn’t absolute (thats why treason laws exist & have the highest of punishments).
Everyone can have consequences.
But how the tools are set and effective to provide those freedoms equally is the real issue.
Eg slander acoustics are used all the time for non-slander speech, just as a tool to limit that ones speech and even as a deterrent to others.
And I would say the wealthy disproportionately accuse of slander the not-so-wealthy.
Thats why I mention gag orders & lives ruined just by the procedures/tools.