The CIA really needs to come up with better ways to infiltrate the pro-palestinian movement cause this ain’t working

  • SSJMarx
    1 day ago

    I can’t speak to the historicity of this but I read a hypothesis that the Romans deflected blame onto the Jews when they established Christianity as their state religion, which if true would make it one of the foundational moments in European antisemitism. Either way since then we’ve had a couple thousand years of passion plays doing the work of cementing the Jewish authorities as the ones responsible in the minds of European Christians.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      1 day ago

      So, Matthew is speaking to Jewish Chistians and is absolutely attempting to focus the main blame on the Jewish people, partially as an attempt to fulfil prophecy and partially because the response by the Jewish elite to Christians was extremely negative, even compared to other messianic splinters of the time. Rome still gets the blame

      Luke however is speaking to the Pauline community that was one of the two main factions that became modern Christianity, and he is trying to placate the Roman Empire from persecutions while also low key advocating guillotining the rich. So the Jews make a convenient group to blame and there’s already the tradition.

      John often is thought to have the seed of future Christian antisemitism, but honestly I just think he’s a debate bro and taking potshots at whatever school he’s flamewaring with that paragraph. Love John, what a poster.

      • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
        1 day ago

        partially because the response by the Jewish elite to Christians was extremely negative, even compared to other messianic splinters of the time.

        What exactly did they do? I was under the impression that all they did was reject the bible

        • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
          13 hours ago

          this is just how i see it :

          Jesus was Workingclass while the Messiah was expected to be “from a Kingly Line” and all of that .

          So the Hatred is kind of the same Hatred that we get from the Priveledge to the non Priveledged that reject their Authority.

          so i just vibe it as beeing like

          : frothingfash

          "Theres this FUCKING! LOWBORN! Carpenter Son That Rejects our Teachings ! He is Gatthering other Lowborns aroundhim and he makes a Mockery of our Spiritual Authority ! He Preaching against us and our source of Income ! He wants to Topple us ! and he has the Audacity to Claim that he is gods Son ! A Fucking Galilean ! Can you belive it. We will make an Example of him !1! "

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          22 hours ago

          So, firstly we are talking about first century Christians, pre 2nd/3rd Jewish revolt. The Jewish authorities still had wide religious and political power in this era.

          Jesus was the opposite of the generally conceived notion of the Messiah as a Maccebean style military leader. He died, there was a distinct lack of military conquest, and his (frankly quite limited) preaching to gentiles and Samaritans didn’t help

          Petrene/Jamesite and the Jewish section of the Johannine community were banned from synagogue, and Paul notes that Jewish authorities openly hunted and prosecuted early Christian groups. And these were the Pharisees, a middle and lower class fundamentalist movement that became modern Judaism.

          The rich, the Saducees were even more hostile, viewing them as a threat to the fragile balance of power with Rome, and having major theological differences (priestly Judaism generally denied the existence of judgement and was ambivalent to hostile about the existence of the afterlife)

          The evangelical character of early Christians didn’t help, it was the equivalent of a bunch of Mormons showing up at your high Anglican mass and claiming no really their were Jews in America and this is the true promised land. They were Annoying

          Compared to the mostly insular Essenes and the politically powerful Zealots, the Christians were easy targets to show the Romans that Jewish authorities had it all under control.

          That said, the idea all the apostles died as martyrs is laughable. Pre Nero persecutions were largely restrained and generally politically motivated.

          • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
            27 minutes ago

            And these were the Pharisees, a middle and lower class fundamentalist movement that became modern Judaism.

            When you say moden Judaism, you mean non-reformist Judaism?

            Or do both contain aspects of the Pharisees’ movement?

    • SadArtemis [she/her]
      1 day ago

      I can’t speak to the historicity of this but I read a hypothesis that the Romans deflected blame onto the Jews when they established Christianity as their state religion, which if true would make it one of the foundational moments in European antisemitism

      Certainly sounds more true than not (though I’m aware that doesn’t necessarily make it so). Latin (western, Catholic/Protestant) Christianity basically took a grassroots, pacifistic, anti-materialistic (and anti-wealth in general) religion and turned it into a crusading, genociding, hyper-intolerant and hyper-imperialist nightmare.