• Val
    3 days ago

    I’m starting to doubt my ability to write coherent comments so I don’t know If this is ok but I’ll post it anyway.

    I’m not making arguments. I’m discussing your comment. You are framing my discussion as arguments. I’m not against you. I’m just commenting on the things you say in order to get a better understanding. Maybe some of the things are arguments but I don’t care enough to classify them as such. Arguing is not my point, discussion is. And some times It’s useful to frame the discussion as an argument and sometimes it isn’t.

    you can’t pretend in good faith that we’re talking about people asking for some crazy videos in a crazy community

    Why not? Isn’t that the title of the post? The only one bringing in conspiracy theories are you.

    Never implied that. Perhaps a bit more reading comprehension is in order?

    I was commenting on this bit of your comment.

    "[…] You can’t say I’m wrong until you watch it and address every single thing they say. […]

    and this so elegantly showcases the point I’m trying to make. (You can make points without arguing) You look at everything I say as an argument against you even if I am agreeing with your example. I imagine a lot of context goes missing in text, which is a shame.

    Then why so tense there, buddy?

    when I wrote that comment I wasn’t. Now I am, because your acting hostile towards me and I don’t like that.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      3 days ago

      “I’m not here” - man who’s here

      An argument: “an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.”

      You have an opposing view as to what this discussion is about. One might even argue this is a"heated" exchange.

      You look at everything I say as an argument against you even if I am agreeing with your example.

      I don’t, really. I’m just elaborating on the point. Perhaps you have an opposing view on that matter?

      Now I am, because your acting hostile towards me and I don’t like that.

      I’m really not, you’re just reading into it.

      • Val
        3 days ago

        Communication is hard.

        • Dasus@lemmy.world
          3 days ago

          Don’t worry, I’ll help you.

          It’s always come very naturally to me.

          For instance I assume you understand that you’re clearly implying something with your comment. Something which I might disagree with. Communication is so hard that I forget, what is it called again, when two people are talking and have diverging views on the thing they’re talking about? I’m sure there’s a word for that…

          • Val
            3 days ago

            OK fine. I was going to leave it at that but if you’re going to keep going then so am I.

            I’m going to use a code block because I don’t want to worry about formatting.

            lets begin with the full context.
            The post has the title of "How do I become more informed on your quadrant?" 
            with a political compass depicting common responses that people in those
            quadrants have to that question. 
            You responded to the post with a comment: 'All just versions of "do your own research", [..]'
            Naturally, as I am a person on the original meme who would respond like the meme says
            I took slight offense to this. I attempted to voice that offense with a question
            "How else would you reply to someone wanting to know more about a topic?"
            I then followed it up with other thoughts I had because I like making comments that are 
            more than just one thing.
            You quote responded with "By making a coherent argument?" which lead me to write the
            beginning of my response "That's only if you take everything in the internet as an argument."
            This is because if someone asked me the question the title of the post is asking I wouldn't 
            consider that an argument and rather point them towards someone who can communicate
            better than me. (I think this thread shows exactly why. Although I believe this is partly your
            fault as well) 
            From here the conversation devolves in a way that is quite hard to tell what's going on so I'm
            not going to bother giving a detailed description but there are points I want to touch on. 
            Like you saying you're not acting hostile. I don't think that's up to you to say.
            Sure your intentions may not be hostile but how someone else interprets the way you talk
            is up to them. Maybe I am "reading into it" but there clearly is something to read into.
            I admit the point I said about arguments don't make much sense. Technically they were arguments
            and I think I'm just wrong. But the point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't frame everything
            as an argument.
            But this last comment definitely feels at least a little mean. And I used to think it comes naturally
            to me too but if your not understanding me then apparently not.
            • Dasus@lemmy.world
              3 days ago

              Like you saying you’re not acting hostile. I don’t think that’s up to you to say.

              It most definitely is. People have a tendency to project emotions on to neutral text, and projecting negative emotions is much more common. There’s zero malice or hostility in my comments. I know this because I don’t feel any while writing this, so any perceived hostility is just that… a perception. A flawed perception. An understandable one for which I don’t judge anyone, but still a misperception.

              how someone else interprets the way you talk is up to them

              Ofc it is. But what I mean is not. Here’s a very relayed video.

              Why German sounds so aggressive.

              “How else would you reply to someone wanting to know more about a topic?”

              I say “by making a coherent argument”, but it would’ve been better if I had said “by using good rhetoric”. It’s just less colloquial, so I went with “argument”. I think most people still got the context though. As in the context of “the internet is filled with arguments and too often people confuse valid rhetoric and just linking an URL.”

              “Do your own research” practically always come from people who have watched long videos on some controversial subject like the Earth being flat instead of an oblate spheroid, buy into it, but then aren’t able to produce an iota of rhetoric to relay any of the arguments they’ve bought into.

              No, ofc not everything is an argument. I’m pretty sure you also knew that I actually know that.

              • Val
                3 days ago

                Yeah I definitely understand that people have a tendency to project negativity into words directed at them. I guess now I have first-hand experience.

                But I think I’ve had enough of this conversation. Thank you for a nice chat. Goodbye.

                • Dasus@lemmy.world
                  3 days ago

                  Thank you for being open to what I said, despite not liking the tone you perceived.

                  A sign of a mature person indeed.

                  Thank you as well, enjoy your day/night.