“He’s doing a good job,” Trump saidabout the Israeli leader. “Biden is trying to hold him back, just so you understand, Biden is more superior to the VP. He’s trying to hold him back, and he probably should be doing the opposite, actually. I’m glad that Netanyahu decided to do what he had to do, but it’s moving along pretty good.”

  • geekwithsoulOP
    4 hours ago

    That she would consider conditioning weapons sales. She hasn’t even done that. There isn’t one lousy photon of daylight between her and Biden, and there isn’t a photon between him and Netanyahu.

    So I was correct in guessing what you wanted her to say? And my entire reply was about the probable outcome of that.

    You mean to tell me that “vote blue no matter who” only works one way?

    I was referring to centrist as those not strongly associated with either party. I despise the term “independents” as I think they are anything but. Basically the folks who see the Cheney endorsement and think “Maybe I can vote for Harris after all?” The 55 to 75 year olds who turn out in droves every election. And because of that, you need to get as many of them voting for you as possible to win.

    And announces that she has a mandate to continue Biden’s pro-genocide policies. Centrists rejoice.

    Obviously you have no interest in discussing this rationally. Especially considering you then implied my top choice for US president would’ve been Netanyahu.

    I laid out what I think would happen if Harris did what you wanted. You chose not to refute any of that. Or more likely - you couldn’t.

    So, want to try again or just throw more insults my way?

    • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
      24 minutes ago

      So I was correct in guessing what you wanted her to say?

      You were not, but being incorrect in favor of Netanyahu and his genocide is basically what you do.

      My position was:

      That she would consider conditioning weapons sales

      Yours was:

      Let’s say as part of that statement, she says Israel should get no more aid.

      I guess the only way you can falsely declare victory is if you lie about my position. That’s fine. You and the straw version of me you’ve constructed can have fun in my absence.