What can we do to keep the web open?


  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    1 year ago

    I know it’s not all that logical and would probably only end up making things worse, but stopping the google DRM thing by literally going to google headquarters and doing something similar to the January 6th Capital Hill attack in Washington DC.

    As long as you could get enough people to be quiet about it and form a large enough group, you could definitely perform a large scale attack on their HQ and as long as the info doesn’t slip out, you can easily overwhelm them since they won’t see it coming and won’t have enough guards/police on site.

    The only thing is you have to hold the big corporate bigwigs hostage and make sure the negotiations end with either them being killed for their crimes against freedom or that all their services get shut down permanently and they get to live. Just be sure to slaughter as many employees as possible to show those bigwigs you mean business and aren’t there just to have a tea party.

    The only way we are ever going to get the people in high places to listen is either through murdering them or scaring them so much that they listen to our demands.

    A similar scenario to this would be when actual Chinese citizens in China were protesting and essentially shouting in the streets for the government and Xi the Pooh to step down. Only difference is that if we started to disappear after all of this hypothetical situation, there would be cause for an even bigger spark as people would definitely start to wonder what the fuck happened and it would spread so much faster than these tech giants could censor. Everyone would be sharing links/posts/screenshots (both truthful and untruthful) as you don’t just sit there wondering why a shit ton of the protesters/“domestic terrorists” just suddenly disappears in America (especially if you are a parent or close to one or more of them).

    Hell, you could even upload videos of what happened to sites Rumble or maybe Odysee and I can probably guarantee people there are gonna share and make that shit spread like wildfire since it probably won’t be censored and taken down right away compared to if it was uploaded to yt, where it would disappear faster than the braincells of a newborn CEO.

    In summary, I am in full support of absolutely going full on French Revolution on the rich and recording it for future generations.

    • Cybersteel@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Make the people in charge pay. Those Washington guys, the top brass, the 1 percenters. The sooner we make them pay by any means necessary, the closer we are to getting a more just and fairer society. The world is merely one bad day from anarchy.

    • heyfrancis@mastodon.socialOP
      1 year ago

      @AceFuzzLord i’m not even sure if the people who are against this is enough to form a revolt. As i stated on one of my comments, most of the users don’t care whoever leads the way in technology until it affects them personally.

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        1 year ago

        Then why not fabricate a few lies, like telling some absolute 2nd Amendment defenders that google is trying to impose bans on gun pictures being posted online or tell some extremely right-wing people that google is gonna make sure their news is banned off the internet if either group doesn’t join?

        Hell, why not get the conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers on our side by lying and saying that this new thing google is putting out will cripple your mind and make your children autistic through 5G? No offense to these people, but they are definitely the type to fall for these kinds of lies.

        A few lies to gather more support to save the internet is nowhere near as bad as these large corporations lying their asses off to take control over us.