I’ve been accumulating old electronics for about a decade now and I really need to safely dispose of them at this point. I know some cities have drop off spots for recycling, but the one near me charges a fee and appears to cater to business clients. Obviously I’m against tossing them in the bin. It’s small things, like an old iPod touch, Bluetooth speaker etc. What do you all do with your old Ewaste?

Edit: Whew. I’m tired after a long day of…you guessed it…work. Great suggestions in this thread. Thanks y’all!

  • 31415926535
    1 year ago

    If these items still work, there’s lots of people in homeless shelters who’d be grateful. Maybe dump small box in front of shelter during day, or ask staff if any of their clients could use them

    When my laptops die, I take them apart to find the hard drive, which I then turn to an external drive. Just put it inside an enclosure, good to go.

    Try checking out laptop repair stores, not big chains. The mom n pop ones. Often they can use parts.

    And, cuz I’m weird, sometimes I disassemble, turn them into art, as part of larger mixed media projects.

    Where I live, there’s a nonprofit that takes old electronics and laptops, has volunteers repair them, who get work experience. Worthy cause