I’ve installed arch Linux and liked it, but lfs and Gentoo would be too time consuming compiling everything and not doing anything during and after install. Are there any distros like arch that don’t have me compiling everything?
I’ve installed arch Linux and liked it, but lfs and Gentoo would be too time consuming compiling everything and not doing anything during and after install. Are there any distros like arch that don’t have me compiling everything?
Advanced like arch where you have to configure everything from scratch.
Ah. By “advanced” you mean “stone knives and bearskins”. Got it.
When I say “advanced” I mean more like “taking advantage of lots of good work that others have already done.”
… “and actually get something useful (advanced or not) done with Linux instead of wasting time tweaking animated windows transitions and bragging about how many distros you hopped last week”
All distros have a no gui install you mean that ?