So I look very ugly and honestly don’t look feminine at all and just look like a guy with girls’ clothes draped over him. I have been on HRT for a year and 6 months, I went from 4 to 6mg in April and I still look pretty terrible, I am not sure what I can do differently and I feel like maybe I am overweight which ruined my chances at ever passing and I should have lost it pre hrt. all of my selfies including this one are taken at angles to make me look better, this is one of the few photos I have at a normal angle (this was taken before my college graduation) as you can see I pretty much just look like a dude. I am honestly not even sure if FFS could help me or if a doctor would even consider it worth while.

FOR THE DUMBASS PEPES from the troll instances in the comments I will not listening to your comments, thank you.

  • Colour_me_triggered
    1 year ago

    If you are worried about safety you could try moving to a more trans friendly town/state/country. But I’d be surprised if you feel happier after detransitioning. Everyone goes through dark times, you just have to push through and concentrate on sculpting your life to match your requirements.

    Your problems atm ate largely to do with other people, who are shits. Ignore them. Try not to surround yourself with idiots.

    There’s genuinely nothing wrong with the way you look. If I saw you out and about, I would just make the assumption that you’re female.