I’m currently running Arch and it’s great, but I’m noticing I’m not staying on the ball in regards to updates. I’ve been reading a bit about Nix and NixOS and thinking of trying it as my daily driver. I’ve got a Lenovo x1 xtreme laptop, I don’t do much gaming (except OSRS), use firefox, jetbrains stuff, bitwarden, remmina, obsidian, and docker.

Is anyone running NixOS as their daily? How are you liking it and are there any pitfalls / stuff you wish you knew before?

  • flashgnash
    1 year ago

    Have been using NixOS as my sole os for a month or so and have zero complaints

    It will quite frequently make installing and configuring things that could otherwise be a nightmare on other distros absolutely effortless (to switch DE you change one line of code, for instance)

    On occasion however it makes things harder than other distros because you can’t really apply stack overflow questions, differentiation etc for other distros to it as well

    Generally speaking 90% of what I’ve wanted to do with it has had a built in option or package that was a one or two line change to a file and a command to rebuild

    Also, as long as you install steam via the built in option gaming works perfectly on it for me