When I first started using Lemmy it seemed like such a nice place with interesting discussions. It seemed like the first group of people to join after the app exodus were being quite careful to be respectful of the existing culture.

Now, it seems as though the culture from Reddit has completely replaced it. Toxicity and all. I will say I do follow a lot of communities from a wide range of instances so it’s clearly not everywhere.

Am I the only one who’s feeling like we’ve just stormed in and bulldozed Lemmy?

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    1 year ago

    It’s because of what it’s based on. It should be noted OP asked a question based on a real issue, and I answered optimistically only to be have it deceptively demoralized, especially considering the whole point of Lemmy is to be another, hopefully better Reddit, and for that to be rewarded more than the optimism, all the while the post grading system many promised wouldn’t exist. Hence I said (not passive agressively) that I would use this as an opportunity to demonstrate what the average Redditor would already know, since it did leave the door open to interpret everyone as taunting me “for the safe of [demonstrating the community]”.