I’d much rather see sites like Lemmy, PeerTube, and Mastodon see widespread adoption then the dystopian cyberpunk fever dream in the head of Zuckerburg. Did you not read the novel dude? It’s a freaking warning! That’s like Jeff Bezos reading Fahrenheit 451 and going “holy crap dude, gotta make that a reality like, yesterday!” I want the Fediverse, not the Metaverse! Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

  • Hyperi0nOP
    1 year ago

    Yes the Metaverse started with Neal Stevenson’s Snow Crash novel but I never said otherwise? Fahrenheit 451 was an example revolving around book burning which would be ironic because Bezos owns kindle. The idea is the a central dystopian theme being idolized by a tech mogul so unhinged they don’t realize it’s a warning.