Im working up the courage to. Ill never go back, but it is also hard to delete that much history just for a statement

  • darkmugglet
    1 year ago

    For me, the AMA showed me that Spez is out of touch. His singular goal is money and the old users are in the way. I’ve worked for several start-ups and a common theme is that the users that give you Unicorn status later become the thorn in your side. In all reality, Spez needs us to leave and likely wants us to leave. I suspect that after the 10 or 20% of us that leaves because we use third-party apps, mods are changed, and 80% that use their official apps continue on, this will be a foot note in their history. Spez is gambling the critical mass of Reddit and he’s show the contempt he’s had for us all along by daring us to leave. The gamble Spez is making is the same as Digg – where will everyone go. And Spez thinks there is no where else. He’s hoping that the Fediverse is too hard, too opaque and too difficult for the average user.