• @diablexical
          -19 months ago

          If your views can only be propagated through violence, don’t you think they should be reconsidered?

          • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
            259 months ago

            If your views can only be propagated through violence, don’t you think they should be reconsidered?

            Please share this pearl of wisdom with the US government, if you’re successful you’ll literally save millions of lives and no one on the planet will ever be more deserving of the Nobel prize. Please also share this sentiment with the soldiers in question, they’re literally involved in killing hundreds of thousands when it’s not millions to supposedly propagate American views on freedom and democracy (but in reality installing puppet governments for geopolitical power or to facilitate the theft of natural resources).

            • @diablexical
              -39 months ago

              So crimes of our fathers then, Americans deserve to die. Pardon me, I don’t find this discussion constructive. May your keyboard warrior spirit never falter, good luck.

              • Farman [any]
                9 months ago

                You are still invading several countries rigth now. And messing with many others in lots of ways. That crimes of our fathers deffence only works if you stop doing it.

              • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                9 months ago

                Bruh they’re still doing it. Love how you pearl clutch and pretend they said Americans should die and not the volunteer soldiers currently killing to maintain this order.

            • @diablexical
              19 months ago

              I’m not the one calling for people deaths. But to answer your question - primarily capitalist led technology and communication revolution extending open source platform to create a marketplace of ideas? Sorry I’m just trolling at this point.

              • no, to these countries

                capitalism was the driving force behind colonialism and the slave trade, the worst horrors man has seen. It funded the Nazis into power, and the same with other fascist entities. You don’t have to call for other peoples deaths, but that does not mean people aren’t dying. How many die from homelessness? How many die from lack of food and water? How many die from easily treatable diseases? How many must die a victim of this system’s inhumane nature will be never ending until we destroy it. You are privileged and blind enough to ignore the suffering of your fellow man, so I really don’t care about your thoughts or opinions, besides my natural disgust for them.

                Another thing is the internet was never a capitalist invention, it was created by scientists supported by government programs. There would have been no incentive otherwise to make such a leap. Iphones are a mishmash of different public sector techs that could have been put together by anyone. And they have milked it dry to insanity and back. How many phones are thrown away a year? how many break due to planned obsolescence? How much waste is created that kills and poisons our land because of greed? An extreme amount, one that will kill us all.

                But ignore that, go back to your toaster, your TV, your Iphone, and your stupid car. Keep consuming like the starved dog you are until you have so much that there is nothing left of you, and then watch as the world burns from your greed. Just give us the dignity of not asking “why?” before you die, because you know, and you ignored it for the sake of your treats. I hope you suffer.

      • @randint
        9 months ago

        I agree with your sentiment, but we should refrain from using these emotionally charged words. We must remain polite so that people reading this thread will get a bad impression of Hexbear.