• TechyDad@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      They do have the First Amendment right to march and wave their flags around. Now, if all major political parties quickly denounced them and the police treated them as the potential threats that they are, then their “peaceful marches” would be ridiculed and they would be driven back into the shadows.

      The bigger problem isn’t that they have a First Amendment right to march. It’s that one of the two major political parties watches them match and says “these guys have some good ideas.” Instead of being driven into the shadows of society, they are being given positons of power. And we’ve seen what happens when Nazis are given power.

    • kava@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Not how it works. The first amendment explicitly allows you to disagree with the founding philosophy of the country. In fact it’s sort of the whole point.

      Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech. - Chomsky

      My opinion? It’s better to have these guys out in the open where you can see them. If you try and suppress them by shutting down their protests or arresting them you have

      A) opened the door for the government to do that with any radically perceived movement in the future. Any leftist protest movement could easily be shut down under similar pretense

      B) you turn the guys into martyrs for the cause. Just like Trump’s indictments improved his polling numbers, these Nazis would likewise see a surge in popularity.

      C) suppressing ideas doesn’t make them suddenly go away. You just push it underground where it becomes even more radical without the moderating influence from the mainstream.

      Why are people becoming open Nazis? Consider the source of the problem. The worse the economic situation is historically, the more radical people become. Florida has the highest inflation in the country, relatively low wages and relatively high cost of living.

      It’s not a coincidence that the Nazis came to power right after the Great Depression. We need to fix the economic situation and fast.

        • kava@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          And Chomsky is a nobody

          You might not like him or disagree with him but if he was a nobody you wouldn’t have an opinion on him.

          I dont think you know who you’re dealing with

          The government should not be the arbiter of truth. Do you trust the FBI? Do you trust the CIA? You think they are the good guys? The dozens of coups all across the world? The endless spying and surveillance?

          You’re advocating that these people should have even more power over you.

          Do you also let cockroaches and rats run wild out in the open in your home?

          To avoid cockroaches, you stop leaving food and water in the open. Turning the lights off and scurrying them away won’t help the issue.

          We need to solve the economic issues to get rid of Nazis. Anything else is just turning the lights off. As long as people are struggling to pay bills and have a sense of instability and fear for the future… we’re going to have fascists. It doesn’t matter if you make it so they can’t speak in public. They will just speak in private and continue to grow.

          We need broad ranging economic reforms.

          You just described everything that happened by letting them have free speech

          Give me specific examples. I don’t follow what you mean.

            • kava@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Have you ever actually dealt with cockroaches? They survive nuclear blasts. You need to remove the source of food and water otherwise all the traps in the world don’t make a difference. You leave one or two alive and they will just repopulate.

              Plus consider the implications of what you’re saying. Let’s say we arrest and imprison every single Nazi. What’s going to happen? The ones that remain are going to stay real quiet, aren’t they? What then? Is the government going to be actively spying on every single communications in the country to try and find them?

              That’s what it’ll take. And maybe it’ll even be possible. But consider what you have created. A massive surveillance state with broad ranging legal powers to detain and imprison “enemies of the state”. What happens when a far-right party gets elected? Remember, we are a democracy. What happens when the next Trump gets elected and says BLM are fascists?

              Actually, we don’t need to imagine. If you look at his recent interview with Tucker Carlson that’s exactly what he said. He said the fascists are out to get him.

              You don’t see any potential issues with this? None at all?

              Honestly, we’re screwed. Unfortunately I think your wish will ultimately become reality and we will live in a brutal authoritarian surveillance state. I’m just glad I got to grow up before it became that way.

                • kava@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  And you’re actually using Tucker Carlson as your example?..do you not understand that calling everyone else who obviously isnt fascist is a classic fascist tactic?

                  Yes. That is exactly what I’m trying to say. Let’s say a fascist comes to power. They call everyone else fascists.

                  Now they use the rules you just created to shut down speech that isn’t fascist.

                  You keep ignoring this or failing to understand. Prompting me to believe you are likely a bot.

            • kava@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Nazis believe in the genocide of a racial group. Genocide is not normalized in the USA. It was not normalized by the Telecommunications Act.

              Can we stop saying crazy things that didn’t happen?

              Christianity has nothing to do with fascism. It can be used by fascists, sure. But if you look at Nazi Germany for example Hitler hated the church and there’s speculation he had plans to totally destroy it. Fascists don’t like groups of power that aren’t controlled by them. So for example the Catholic Church had to go. He tried to create a Protestant church called the “Reich Church” that was sort of a state religion but once that failed he gave up and suppressed the religious movements.

            • kava@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              I don’t think you really know anything about Chomsky’s corpus of work. I believe this because you didn’t mention any of his critiques of US imperialism or the propaganda model he outlined in his most famous book - Manufacturing Consent.

              You speak confidently about things you don’t really understand. I’m going to stop engaging unless you start addressing the things I’m saying. I’m starting to think you might be a ChatGPT bot. Or maybe just a teenager, I don’t know.

        • cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
          1 year ago

          Something I learned about the Rwandan genocides in 1994 is that comparing humans to insects is one of the first steps of genocidal ideology.

    • HipHoboHarold@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I would just like to quickly point out you said it was built on the idea that all are created equal

      The Constitution was written in 1787, put in effect in 1789

      The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves was signed in 1807, and the 13th Amendment in 1865

      Women gained the right to vote nationally in 1920

      Just because they said all people are equal, does not mean they actually thought all people are equal.

    • BigNote
      1 year ago

      Not true at all. There’s nothing in your comment indicating even the most basic knowledge of the law.

        • BigNote
          1 year ago

          Right. There’s nothing difficult about your idea and I definitely get it.

          My point is only that it has no basis whatsoever in the reality of US jurisprudence.

          It’s nice that you have these ideas, just know that they are completely irrelevant in a legal context.