• teuniac_
    1 year ago

    So enjoy your dietary option and allow others to do the same.

    The problem is that we share this earth. I choose my own diet, but the diet of others is destroying a planet that’s also mine.

    Agriculture is the primary driver of biodiversity loss, with agriculture alone being the identified threat to 24,000 of the 28,000 (86%) species at risk of extinction.

    Animal agriculture, in particular, has a significant impact on species extinction and habitat loss. Livestock farming occupies about 40% of Earth’s landmass and accounts for 75% of global deforestation.

    Half of the world’s habitable land is used for agriculture, and 77% of this agricultural land is used for livestock production.. This includes land for grazing and land used to grow crops for animal feed. Despite occupying such a large percentage of agricultural land, meat and dairy only make up 17% of the global caloric supply and 33% of the global protein supply.

    My diet is not enough to stop this, which is why I want others to change their diet too. It’s not such a strange thing to want, considering what’s at stake.