From bash to zsh and everywhere in between, show me yours and I’ll show you mines. Inspire others or get some feedback.

Simply copy & paste the output of alias in your terminal or add some comments to explain things for others.

Edit: Kbin users, click ‘More’ on a comment and use the fediverse link to read responses that have funky formatting

  • Not the person you responded to, but sure. Breaking muscle memory is extremely grating.

    Also, it’s pretty easy to type long commands with little typing. If you use ctrl+r to search backward in your history, you can easily recall long commands - and also, you can use ctrl+x,ctrl+e to edit the current command line in $EDITOR so you can edit long commands. These two tricks make it very easy to type long commands quickly with very little typing.

    • RaivoKulli
      -18 months ago

      it’s pretty easy to type long commands with little typing

      Big if true