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  • PatFusty
    9 months ago

    We are in cringe territory. English isnt my first language but is it really hard to understand what I am saying? I am openly saying i am not comparing and you want to drag them together as if in hopes you can catch me with some gotcha.

    Kinda bored with this, would you rather post hog and we can compare?

    • gayhitler420
      9 months ago

      You can always not post a response if you’re bored.

      Even without English as your first language, surely you can see how bringing up the behavior and perception of Nazis and Nazi spaces in response to a person in a communist space would be seen as a comparison because of how those two groups stood in opposition to each other?

      If something feels cringey to you why not just not do it? You brought up good faith, not me.

      I am genuinely interested in helping you understand how bringing up people who accept Nazis being lumped in with Nazis invites a comparison no matter who you use it in relation to.

      • PatFusty
        9 months ago

        The problem that I see with you asking that is it invites an unnecessary criticism. I remember seeing a post on chapotraphouse years ago on methods of how to ‘dunk on’ people and this is one way.

        I used nazis as an easy comparison because everyone and their grandma does it now. Tou see a nazi associating with nazis and bada bing they are a nazi. For some reason, its not as easy to say the a communist sitting at a table with all his communist friends talking about how good communism is not wanting to be considered a communist is weird. You are deflecting the main point when you ask me if I think lumping nazis is bad, thats not the point. Im like exhausted just thinking how to spoon feed you this idea that you are slowly brainwashing yourself if you let this stuff go.

        • gayhitler420
          9 months ago

          Who decides if a criticism is unnecessary? We’re ten responses deep. No one’s gonna see even if I did somehow turn this into a “dunk”.

          I’m really trying to help you understand what’s going on in the Nazi table saying.

          “If there’s ten people at a table and six are wearing ss uniforms, how many Nazis are there at the table? The answer is ten.”

          The specific counts change but people say this because there’s something so abhorrent about naziism that just accepting them into your company requires that you assent to their awful actions and ideology.

          What awful actions and ideology? Why white supremacy and genocide of course!

          So when someone says the same thing but points it at communists the implication is that communists are just as bigoted and genocidal as Nazis, which is what the antisemitic double genocide theory states.

          You’re saying you didn’t mean it like that and I believe you. It’s just important to understand.

          You should be making fun of that person for being too scared to own their proud communism, but you can’t use the Nazis at the table analogy.

          • PatFusty
            9 months ago

            You are the only one here saying I am comparing them. We can leave it as just a misunderstanding then. If I had said something like “if you are sitting in the cockpit you are a pilot” would you take back your thought that I am a nazi sympathizer or smthing. Dont remember if it was you but saying im a into JQ stuff isnt cool.

            But thanks for the thought. Them not owning up to their communism is more succinct and to the point.

            • gayhitler420
              9 months ago

              I don’t think you have a bunch of Nazi uniforms and do the Bellamy salute to hitler before bed every night.

              I do think you stepped in Nazi doodoo and wanted to make sure it wasn’t on purpose and help you not to do it again.

              • PatFusty
                9 months ago

                Haha thanks!

                I still dont see why certain boundaries are okay to cross and others arent. I am native american 1st gen immigrant from Guatemala that came to the US. Grew up around mexicans all my life… I dont understand the Nazi fetish. Its so weird seeing how much I have to tiptoe around things online and even weirder being generalized as some sort of white oppressor for something arbitrary… but yeah way over the point.

                Either way, nobody is going to see this message except all the communists trying to ‘dunk on me’ so… hello future people who are looking through my history! ✌️


                • gayhitler420
                  9 months ago

                  People are super on guard for antisemitism because there’s hundreds of years of it being hidden by Nazis and accepted by people in power because it suits their needs.

                  Everyone assumes the person on the internet with them is white because internet used to require a lot of wealth to get onto.

                  Nowadays especially there’s more and more people who aren’t obvious Nazis but may have accidentally rubbed their shoe on it. It’s hard to figure that out without making someone feel like they’re being interrogated. Because they are!

                  • PatFusty
                    9 months ago

                    I think its safe to assume most people on Earth have internet now.

                    I can argue theres hundreds of years of oppression of native americans that goes to current day but we barely get representation. Then we have to jump into an oppression olympics because we dont see how nazi oppression worse than how we have been treated. Then someone jumps out of the woodwork to scream ‘ITS NOT THE SAME’ but nobody gives a shit about native hispanics or Latinos. Its the least represented class amongst everyone living in the US yet we make up 30% of the population. But if you have even a hint of antisemitism holy shit you better prepare to get doxxed and proverbially fucked by the internet.

                    End rant.