I have tried installing it with docker on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 LTS but cannot seem to get it working. The build keeps erroring out with docker errors.

  • pascal
    1 year ago

    Since messing around with Linux more than 10 years ago, I always had the idea of self hosting something myself on a headless PC.

    Until last year, I had the bad habit (for today’s standards) to host everything on a single machine. My Linux server was my SMB file server, mail server, torrent daemon, minecraft server, firewall, and so on.

    Last year, thanks to what I learnt with vmware at work, I decided to install proxmox at home, bought a couple of old PCs so that I could have a 3-nodes Proxmox cluster, and a separate machine for proxmox backup server.

    Everything that was running on a single OS before, now has its own VM (for shit like Windows) or LXC (for most of the stuff).

    You can say I’m a bit of an old school user now, so maybe you can understand me if I think that running lemmy, inside a docker compose for lemmy, inside its own container, inside proxmox, sounds like a weird recipe for a lot of overhead.

    It seems all the cool stuff on github now always have the instructions that start with “step 1: install docker” which, honestly in a virtualized environment, I’m not sure we still need it.

    Anyway, back to your post, I tried to follow both the “docker” and the “from scratch” documentation but they’re clearly lacking some steps because I failed miserably every time I tried.