I posted this question because I once saw a tweet that said something like:

“If you use adblock, you don’t care about creator’s point blank”

What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with them?

  • OneDimensionPrinter
    1 year ago

    Lots of comments here already, but I’ll dive in too.

    Yes, I block the ever loving shit out of ads at any and all levels. I will gladly, happily, and freely drop a few bucks to creators I like now and then. Make it easy for me and I’m in. However, I will not be subjected to endless YouTube ads, banners on every website I visit, etc etc.

    My wife doesn’t understand it in the least, but that’s ok. I block ads for all my devices at the DNS layer, use modified apps to help out where that’s less useful, or just forgo using a website/app/service if it’s intrusive in any way.

    I hate ads with a passion, especially after having worked with them really heavily during part of my career. I know what kind of insanity is being tracked and used here and my knowledge is a decade old at this point. Don’t even want to think about modern day equivalents I don’t know diddly about. So, scorched earth policy suits me just fine.

    But again, I would love to drop a few bucks now and then for creators I like, whether thats an individual or a company. Just make it easy and it’s yours. No problem at all.