• TranscendentalEmpire
    11 months ago


    Man, I’ve seen this popping up all over the place. Like, can we please not validate the concept of race theory? I know this is seemingly supposed to be an attack on western hegemony, but in reality it just validates their ideology.

    Race is not real, it’s a human construct based on a forever changing definition. It cannot be used as a weapon against the west as attempting to do so implicitly validates their theory of inherent social hierarchy.

    Western hegemony stands upon two foundational lies. The first is that the world is is infinite in its bounty and thus should be exploited indefinitely. The second is that there is an innate social hierarchy based on melanin content, and the people at the top of that hierarchy should be the people doing the exploitation.

    Unless we confront both of these pillars of western hegemony, the hierarchal structure that supports the hegemony will just self reinforce itself with some other fallacy.

    Denying the theory of race while acknowledging the presence of racism highlights the inherent conflict with truth that is vital for western supremacy.