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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Lol, yes the appropriate response to valid criticism…ignore it.

    If you don’t agree with how Israel and America are treating Palestinians, whats the chance anyone is going to change their stance if you don’t even do the bare minimum of criticism?

    I’m not telling people to not vote, or to vote for fucking Trump, I’m just saying there are plenty of things we should be doing better, and we should all be voicing that.

  • Don’t buy into any crap you see about her going forward. Eat no for breakfast.

    This is the exact attitude that led Republicans into being able to believe that Trump is an upright and moral citizen…

    No one should write a blank check of virtue for any politician. Valid criticism is important, without it we’re just going to be led around by the nose by those who have access to power.

    If we don’t hold liberal politicians to the same standards we utilize for conservatives, then we will end up with the same type of shit bags they have.

  • TranscendentalEmpiretogames@hexbear.netG@mers deserve less
    11 hours ago

    It may be a bit of arm chair psychology, but I don’t really foresee people whose main hobby is pretending to be the main character of any given story, really excelling at empathy in the real world.

    Video games and fiction in general, unfortunately often reinforce fascist ideology. That all society’s problems can be solved by one person if they are strong enough, fast enough, and smart enough.

    It’s why you see so many “gamers” referring to others as NPC’s, because they only empathize with the main character of the game, and don’t really realize that there isn’t such a thing as a main character in real life. That even the most powerful man in the world is still subservient to a system of hierarchy of cause and effect.

  • While you are incorrect about it being racist, the confusion is kinda a byproduct of history of ethnic conflict in China itself.

    China is a nation state, not really an ethnicity in and of itself. However, the Han Chinese, like to represent Han culture as “China’s culture”. When most people are utilizing Chinese as an ethnic descriptor, what they really mean is Han.

  • That’s just thinking in logical fallacy. Just because the Republicans spent a bunch of effort and time focusing on invalid criticisms, doesn’t mean there are no valid criticisms.

    The DNC being made up of mostly center right pushovers is a byproduct of the Clinton’s popularizing Third Way politics in America. It was a way to get around the gridlock that was dominant in the 80s and 90s in Congress.

    The basic theory was that you would work across the isle on the projects you could, even if that meant making deep concessions. In theory you would end up getting credit for “getting things done”, and eventually become popular enough to leverage your bills through.

    In reality, Third Way politics is only effective until the opposition realizes that they now how the initiative over policy. They get to work across the isle on the projects they want, and that’s usually economic policy.

  • When looking back at her own success, going from internship to employment, and eventually landing at Squarespace, Mathur insists “you’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes” early in your career. “I was willing to work for free, I was willing to work any hours they needed—even on evenings and weekends. I was not focused on traveling,” Mathur concludes. “You really have to just be willing to do anything, any hours, any pay, any type of job—just really remain open.”

    Unpaid internships are basically just a way for rich kids to leverage their parents wealth into a career. The vast majority of people cannot afford to work for “experience”, this is only applicable advice for people whose parents are willing and able to foot the bill.

  • Schizophrenic people still have a sense of humor… To me it came off as if she recognized that the cop was afraid of her and made a snappy comeback, because it’s generally offensive to be accused of wanting to mame strangers with boiling water.

    Rebuke just means to criticize, it’s not an attack, or even aggressive. To rebuke someone to God, is just saying your going to complain about their behavior to God. Tbh the moments before she was killed seem to me the most coherent and responsive she behaved during the entire encounter.

  • "Michelle Cox was in disbelief when a U.S. Department of Labor official told her earlier this year she was violating federal law by employing 14- and 15-year-olds past 7 p.m. on school nights.

    Cox, the owner of a Subway franchise in Maquoketa, Iowa, knew the state legislature had made substantial changes to state labor laws in 2023 to allow younger teens to work later on weekdays."

    “She thinks the federal government is unfairly targeting Iowa, which she says was only trying to support small businesses”

    Since when was subway a “small business”?

    The whole point of the labour law is to get kids back home on time to where they can actively participate in school. There are plenty of parents out there who will force their kids to work as much as possible as soon as they can, and it is awful for their education.

    The only people who have the audacity to claim this isn’t harmful to children are people who’ve never had to go to school and hold down a full time job. Fuck that lady, I hope the Fed takes all her shitty sandwiche money.