• @dan1101
    -207 months ago

    After yet after 75 years of Palestinians being attacked and imprisoned and abused I don’t know what Hamas expected as a response to this. Less attacks and imprisonment and abuse?

    • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
      327 months ago

      Ignoring for a moment the right of an occupied people to resist their oppression: “Hamas” does not include all Palestinians or all residents of Gaza. There are innocent civilians in Gaza, and collective punishment is against international law.

      But back to that right: could you please point to an example of an oppressed people successfully freeing themselves non-violently?

      • @DeathsEmbrace@lemmy.ml
        177 months ago

        Not a single time in the history of anthropology has oppression been resolved “non-violently”. Oppression requires violence and force to keep it intact. Compliance is required or they will make you missing sometimes even your family to reinforce oppressed populations consequences.

      • dumpster_dove [he/him]
        67 months ago

        Back in 2018 the world got to shake its head and move on as Palestinians marched in protest against the Israeli occupation. It was great target practice for the IDF as they got to shoot thousands of protestors, medics and journalists. Palestinians should keep doing this until the world shakes its head so hard that Israel will start feeling bad for killing people that they don’t consider people.

    • @TranscendentalEmpire
      117 months ago

      I think a better question is how did Israel think that 75 years of attacking and imprisoning Palestinians would lead to anything but a retaliation of violence?

      Everyone knows that there has been a violent back and forth for decades. The question is who is to blame for the continuation of violence? Well, that would be those who have the ability to actually enact a solution and choose not to.

      The reality is that Israel holds all the bargaining power in this scenario, they have the military, the resources, and the support of the global community. Palestinians don’t have a seat at the table, they have been given no options but apartheid or violent revolt.