Image transcription: a section of a Wikipedia article titled “Relationship with Reality”. It reads “From a scientific viewpoint, elves are not considered objectively real. [3] However,” End transcription.

    • Neato
      58 months ago

      That kind of system seems ripe for a pyramid scheme.

    • @shasta
      38 months ago

      Same for ff14 eikons. And I think the goauld in stargate?

        27 months ago

        The Ori were the bad guy that gained power from followers, the Goa’uld were just brain snakes with advanced tech.

        • @shasta
          27 months ago

          That was it, ty

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      38 months ago

      Discworld’s elvesfair folk, however, do not work like this and remain wildly powerful even as human belief in them withers and dissipates. The belief in elves at the beginning of Lords and Ladies is much akin to the belief in Om at the beginning of Small Gods. From memory, “like worshipping the shell left behind by a crustacean that has long since died”. But for some reason elves maintain power in the human world whereas Om is reduced to hoping the melons in the church gardens aren’t too thick-skinned.