It is advised to brush your teeth at least twice a day, but when? Just before bed is a gimme because you’re about to lie mostly still for 6+ hours. Best to not leave food particles to fester.
What’s the best time for an earlier brushing? After breakfast? After lunch? After work/school?
Plus, what’s up with TV and movies having breakfast scenes where they get up and head right out the door? Did they already brush and now they’re going to leave food to fester all day? Eww.
I brush in the morning, and rinse or floss after I eat anything. I brush when I get home from work, after supper, and before I go to bed.
I used to just brush in the morning and at night, and have a partial to show for it
that’s crazy, do you have some condition like acid reflux or a particular issue with your saliva?
twice a day is like THE golden standard everyone learns and is told by dentists.
My dentist says flossing more often than once a week is detrimental.
maybe he said more than once a day? Mine said 1-2 times a day.
Flossing? Wtf. Brushing, yes, but flossing is much harsher.
Idk how u floss :D