What would that phrase be in their culture’s language? Putin, Jinping, Jong Il, et al. I mean, not all fascists are equally afraid of their penis size (lack), right? For example, I don’t know how to say “Jinping is Pooh” in Mandarin, nor if it’s still relevant, to be honest. Also, if the Trump Too Small is baby blue, why not give the world a veritable rainbow of choices: Putin’d be piss stain yellow, Kim can be toady orange, Xi can be crop-top red, etc. 🤩🤌🏼

Edit: full disclosure, I have no affiliation with the linked site, just saw it mentioned here in Lemmy and thought the world deserves more 🤗🥳

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    11 months ago

    Back in the day, it was a sign of respect to liken Chairman Mao to mangoes. Something having to do with a symbolic pun. I often have remarked it then strikes me as a strange leap that they don’t like Xi to be compared to Winnie the Pooh.